
Abdominal wall surgery or Abdominoplasty

A pronounced abdomen can be a cause of displeasure for women. This can be caused by excess fat, weakness of the abdominal muscles, pregnancy, decreased skin tone that no longer responds to diet or exercise. For those cases that have experienced significant weight loss, the only alternative to eliminate this hanging skin are abdominoplasty surgeries.

A tummy tuck or abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure designed to reduce the protruding abdomen by tightening the muscles of the abdominal wall and removing excess fat and skin. This procedure is very common and is of great benefit to women who are affected by a pronounced abdomen.
Patients whose weight has been stabilized in their weight loss program or those who feel they have reached their ideal weight are the best candidates for abdominoplasty surgeries.

Bed rest is recommended for the first 5 days after abdominoplasty surgery. Most patients experience some tingling in the abdomen and this can last up to a year. Any pain or discomfort from abdominoplasty surgeries can be controlled with oral medication. I use drains that will remain in place for 5 days or until the fluid discharge subsides. The sutures are absorbable by your body, however the dressings may be kept longer. A special abdominal binder will be worn for 6 weeks after surgery. During recovery, you should not engage in strenuous physical exercise. Most patients return to work within 2 to 3 weeks depending on the extent of surgery.
There are three basic techniques for slimming a protruding abdomen. The best technique for you will depend on your specific problem. Liposuction alone can produce a slimmer abdomen for some. If your sagging skin is below the navel a mini-abdominoplasty will be fine for you. For those who suffer from severe sagging of their abdominal muscles or excessive skin, a full tummy tuck will be your only solution.

Abdominoplasty surgeries are usually performed under spinal anesthesia and involve an incision around the navel and another incision that may go from hip to hip. Your entire abdominal wall is tightened with permanent sutures and excess fat and skin is removed. After surgery there is usually a noticeable weight loss due to a decrease in food intake caused by the adjustment of the abdominal wall.

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