Multiple studies performed worldwide have shown that there is no relationship between the occurrence of breast cancer and the use of silicone prostheses. In fact, in almost all the world silicone implants are the most used, even in patients who undergo breast reconstruction after mastectomies due to cancer. Multiple studies performed worldwide show that women with breast implants have a lower incidence of breast cancer than those who do not have them.
There are several types of breast implants, all of them have a silicone-based covering. What changes is the content. We have saline implants, which are placed in the patient and then filled with physiological solution or saline. This type of implants is the most used in the United States due to the restrictions that the FDA maintains on the use of silicone gel implants. Silicone gel filled implants and hydrogel implants. All implants come in various sizes that are measured in cubic centimeters (cc).
As for the surface, they can be smooth or textured. Smooth surface implants should never be placed in front of the pectoralis major muscle, because if this is done, the incidence of capsular contracture is higher than 80%. Smooth implants should only be placed behind the pectoralis muscle. Textured implants on the other hand have a lower incidence of capsular contracture formation no matter where they are placed, in front or behind the muscle.
Another characteristic of the implants is the profile: There are 3 types of profiles, low, high and extra high. The higher the profile, the greater the projection of the breast. The higher the cc, the greater the volume. In this way we can find implants of for example 325cc of low, high or extra high profile. Finally, regarding the shape, there are round implants, which are the most used worldwide, and anatomical implants or teardrop-shaped implants, which are more similar to the shape of the breasts. The difference between anatomic and round implants is that the upper part of these implants has less volume and therefore this is reflected in the patient's breasts showing less filling in the upper pole of the breasts. The round implants do give that volume in the upper part.
Four different ways can be used to place breast implants in a patient. The most frequent way of placement is through the areolas, in which an incision is made in the lower half of each one of them to access the anterior or posterior area of the pectoral muscle (as the case may be) and in this way to make the pocket that will give space to the implants. Another way of placement is through the armpits. In this way the surgeon makes an incision of approximately 3 to 4 cm.
In one of the folds that are located under the armpit and in this way, using an instrument specially designed for this type of surgery, the surgeon makes the approach and the pocket to insert the implants. Another method of placement is under the breast, at the level of the fold that makes the breast in the lower part of it. This type of incision is used by fewer surgeons every day because it leaves a perfectly visible and unaesthetic scar. We particularly never do this approach. The navel is another way that implants can be placed, however it is a very laborious surgery and only allows the placement of saline implants.
This is an obligatory question that patients ask their surgeon. There is a false belief that all breast augmentation surgeries should be performed by placing the implants behind the muscle. The truth is that each patient is different from one another and there are very precise indications about the placement of implants in front or behind the pectoral muscle.
Patients with scarce breast tissue, those who have virtually no breast, or those who have moderate breast volume, but not sagging, are ideal candidates for breast implants placed behind the pectoralis muscle. On the contrary, patients who have sagging breasts, especially if they have a moderate or larger volume, are candidates for breast implants placed in front of the muscle. Why? Well, the answer is that these patients who have a certain breast volume, even without implants, will continue to suffer from sagging breasts over the years or with subsequent pregnancies.
If in these patients the implants are placed behind the muscle, at a certain moment when the patient's breasts continue to fall, the aspect will be what is known as a double breast, and it is nothing more than the patient's natural breast falling and the prostheses on top behind the muscle, since the muscle will never allow the prostheses to fall. By placing the implants in front in these patients, as the natural breast drops, the implants will also drop very subtly and will always keep the breasts with volume in the upper pole without giving the appearance of a double breast.
Dependiendo del tipo de acceso que sea utilizado la cirugía tiene una duración entre 20 minutos (a 1 hora u hora y media utilizando la vía areolar. Posterior a la cirugía, la paciente permanece unas 3 a 4 horas en recuperación y luego ya puede irse a su casa.
At all. The surgery of breast augmentation will not prevent you from becoming pregnant, and that for this cause to lose the surgery and have to be operated again. The patients with implants placed in front of the muscle will have a greater tendency to the breasts to sag a bit after pregnancy and lactation, but not to such a degree that it loses the surgery.
Of course, if. Any patient with breast implants can give breast feeding, without this implying any hazards for the baby or risk losing the surgery. Many scientific studies have shown that breastfeeding from women with breast implants do not cause any adverse effect to the baby.
The breast augmentation surgery, as almost all the plastic surgeries are outpatient, that is to say, it operates on the patient and on the same day is up to your house.
There is nothing common for this to happen. Quite the contrary, it usually produces an increase in the sensitivity (hypersensitivity) of the areola for a few weeks after the surgery. The patients describe it as a burning sensation. This feeling will slowly dissapear to go away completely.
The capsule is a term commonly used to describe the hardening of the breasts with implants. But really the correct term is capsular contracture, as the capsule is always formed when a patient is operated placing implants. The capsule is a normal reaction of the organism as a response to the presence of a foreign body that did not exist before. The agency argues that alien body, forming a tissue around the implants that surrounds them. This capsule in certain cases, it may take a strong consistency or hard and is what gives the consistency firm or hard breast and what is known as capsular contracture.
When capsular contracture occurs even with the post surgery massages and sessions of ultrasound, the appropriate behavior is to operate the patient to remove or treat the capsule so that it does not contract again.
The volume of breast implants that can be placed to a patient depend basically on the anatomical characteristics of each one of them. Are taken into account, height, weight, dimensions of the chest, the previous volume of the breast, among others. However there is a reasonable limit in terms of the volume of implants that can be placed. However, there's always that take into account the harmony of the body, and natural aesthetic.
In fact correspond to the same procedure, but the word liposculpture is a little more descriptive, since the surgery is looking to remove the excess fat in certain parts of the body such as abdomen, back, thighs, etc, achieving shaping or sculpting the details of each one of these sites.
It is important to emphasize that this is not a surgery to correct obesity. It is used to shape and give the figure a more pleasing appearance, so if the problem is overweight, ideally you must first qualify for a special program and individualized to rule out associated medical problems and give each case the proper treatment to achieve the best results.
The best candidates are those patients with good health and realistic expectations as to the results that may be obtained with this surgical procedure. Liposuction offers fantastic results, but not perfection.
Although age constitutes a very important factor to define who is the ideal candidate to undergo liposculpture, the general conditions of the organism are even more important. The ideal candidates are those who have done diets and/or exercises but maintain unsightly deposits of body fat. The patients with overweight can benefit from this procedure, which although it does not represent a method to lose weight, it offers good results. However, ideally, the person should be close to normal weight. There are no absolute age limits to undergo liposuction.
Liposuction does not remove cellulite, but you can improve its appearance depending on the extent of the same, and other factors. Cellulite is the result of accumulations of fatty deposits of toxins and poor circulation that give the appearance of orange peel skin, is associated with hereditary factors, nutritional, circulatory, and sedentary lifestyle among others. Therefore the treatment should be aimed to improve the triggers of the integral as the reduction of weight, increase intake of fluids and fiber, exercise, measures such as the endermología, ultrasound, muscle toning, and through procedures such as liposuction, associated to the measures above, we can achieve an improvement in the appearance of cellulite.
Totally false. To submit a liposuction is the same as going on a diet. When you do a diet and downgrade certain amount of weight, you must take care not to regain that weight, through diet, exercises, etc., With liposuction, it goes the same. The results can be the best, however, if You don't take care, she will gain weight and you will gain. The advantage of liposuction is that if this weight gain is not an exaggeration, when you try to lose those pounds, you will have the same figure I had when operated.
Patients should not expect an extraordinary weight loss after liposuction. Liposuction is not a method to lose weight, however there is always a decrease of the same. What the patient should expect a reduction of measures, which can range from 2 up to 4 sizes, depending on each particular patient. The amount of fat that can be removed in liposuction, also depends on each patient, but should never exceed 6 litres. Liposuction over this amount require blood transfusions of the same blood of the patient (autologous).
The use of the sash in the post-op is very important to ensure the optimal results of a liposuction. The post operative girdle complies with various functions, initially immediately after the surgery to reduce bleeding and the initial process of inflammation. Later on the girdle favors the retraction of the skin and allows the same to mold itself to the body and to the new figure is worked with the surgery. The belt must be used by a space-time of 2 to 3 months, since this is the time it takes for the tissue to return to its original state after the surgery and the process of inflammation.
It all depends on the weight that you gain during your pregnancy. If your weight does not exceed what is normally advised by her obstetrician, and is not greater than 15 pounds or more, the shape of your body will be virtually the same as that obtained with their liposuction. However, there is always the possibility that they are certain fat deposits that eventually could be eliminated with exercise or a touch up with a new liposuction.
The best candidates to undergo any plastic surgery, are those that enjoy of good health and above all, have realistic expectations about the results of the surgery, and are aware of the limitations of medicine, the technology and the characteristics of each patient. Only in this way the patient will feel comfortable with the results of the surgery.
The recovery period of a plastic surgery depends on each particular procedure and varies from one patient to another. Some procedures allow the patient to resume their work activities in about 2 days, while others require 1 to 2 weeks for the person to go back to work.
Stretch marks are due to damage in the collagen of the skin, which behaves as a scar, which, like any scar from another source, it is impossible to erase. They can improve your appearance, color and texture with time, there is no procedure to delete them permanently, and the only alternative to surgery is to resect the skin where they are included as, for example, to remove the skin of the abdomen (tummy Tuck). There are Alternative therapies that can help speed up the recovery process of the appearance of the stria such as an ultrasound or endermología, but eliminate them, never.
There are several types of anesthesia: local, regional, and general. Each of these is done in a different way and its goal is to prevent you from feeling pain during the surgery. Each procedure has certain alternatives to the anesthesia, but it is important to have a visit and preliminary assessment by the anesthesiologist to be determined in accordance with the individual characteristics and background of each patient, which can be the most suitable for your case.
An anesthetic act performed by expert hands, with the right technical support is safe in any of the alternatives, as long as the patient has the relevant studies that refute an added risk. The doubts about the characteristics of each type of anesthesia can be explained in the consultation with the anesthesiologist.
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Centro de Cirugía Plástica y Especialidades
Santo Domingo (CECIP)
C / Manuel Maria Castillo #20 Gazcue, Suite 105.
Santo Domingo, Rep. Dominicana